Zhang Shumin 张树民
  • Chinese Name/Zhang Shumin 张树民
  • English Name/Zhang Shumin
  • Country/China


Executive Director, Party Secretary, and General Manager of OCT (Shenzhen) Tourism Development Group Co., Ltd.; Vice President and Secretary General of the Tourism Marketing Branch of the China Tourism Association. He holds a PhD and is a senior economist. He is a special researcher at the Tourism Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a member of the National Leisure Standardization Technical Committee, an expert on the Expert Committee of the China Association of Tourist Attractions, and an expert on the tourism think tank in Tianjin, Hebei, and other regions. He has served as Deputy Director of the former National Tourism Administration, Executive Deputy General Manager of Zhongjingxin Tourism Investment Group, President of OCT Tourism Research Institute, General Manager of OCT Tourism Management Center, Director and President of OCT Tourism Investment Management Group. He has participated in the drafting and development of many national laws and regulations, national standards, and policy documents. He has published many tourism monographs and research articles. He has participated in the planning, investment, construction, and operation management of many tourism projects. He has strong theoretical literacy in the industry and rich practical experience in the market.