5 must-dos in Kath

time:2019-05-24 14:28 author:杨仕晴

When I was a little boy, places like Kathmandu just seemed so far away. I heard the name, and I knew it existed but, I just assumed it was a place I’d never see.
At that time, just going down the street on my own was a big enough adventure, let alone crossing the world. Yet, just hearing “Kathmandu” planted a seed of wonder, one which continued to sprout. Little did I know that, in my 28th year of life I’d finally get to see Kathmandu, and I’d be no less filled with wonder and curiosity.
I spent so long imagining what Kathmandu might be that it was a magical few days being able to discover what Kathmandu is.

I had the privilege of visiting the city on the tail end of my India and Nepal Intrepid tour and by that time, you could have sworn the bunch of us were relatives. Each dinner felt like a family dinner, and each cup of tea felt like something to celebrate. All of that just managed to imbue Kathmandu with that much more light and colour.

At the Monkey Temple with an Intrepid friend

I have fond memories of Nepal‘s capital, as it was the perfect place to finish a simply remarkable trip, but also, in a sense, it was the quenching of a childhood thirst. Here’s what I did in Kathmandu, and what you should consider doing as well!

Explore the Thamel Market

Kathmandu was founded around 900 BCE, and while the Thamel Market wasn’t around then, it’s been arguably been the main tourist attraction in the city for the last half century. In actuality, it’s not really a market as much as an entire neighbourhood that’s worthy of getting lost in.

It might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I adored the narrow streets, and the eclectic nature of the shops. John, a fellow member of our group (and now good friend), and I happily wandered the streets and hopped in and out of tea shops, stores with eccentric (yet surprisingly functional) climbing gear, Nepalese book stores, havens for music, restaurants, art dealers and everything in between.

In the market

I quite loved the Thamel Market, and that’s largely because it embodies

Thematic activities
