Special Forces-style travel latest fad to grip young weekend warriors

time:2024-01-03 15:40 author:CGTN

Female "generals" patrol the ancient city wall of Xi'an in northwest China's Shaanxi Province on December 23, 2023. /IC

Special Forces are military units trained to conduct special operations. Inspired by their quick reactions and perseverance in the face of difficulty, Special Forces-style travel has been a growing trend among young Chinese in 2023. Spending the least money and visiting the most places within a short space of time, such as weekends these young travelers are keen to set themselves apart from the crowd. And, of course, this style of travel also requires strong physical strength.

The term "Special Forces" has also taken on the meaning of "finishing something swiftly." With that, Special Forces-style meetings, naps, and TV-watching have also emerged as trends. Yaowen Jiaozi, a Shanghai-based magazine focusing on the use and development of the Chinese language, has published its top 10 buzzwords of the year – one of which is "Special Forces-style travel."

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