Travel recovery and responsibility: A chance to do the right thing

time:2021-05-18 18:28 author:PhocusWire

After being in the depths of the worst crisis to impact the travel industry in its history, travel brands are eager to get to some semblance of normality.

They cannot be criticized for that.

Such a huge task involves getting aircraft and their crews airworthy, hiring (or rehiring) employees to ensure the smooth operations of activities and hotels on reopening and lots more.

There is no playbook for such a mass remobilization of the industry, especially as the traveling public, authorities and travel brands watch vaccination and infection rates closely in the countries that they operate in.

But it is worth noting that pre-pandemic the industry was coming under sustained focus from activists and a growing number of travelers over its attitude towards the environment.

The Greta Effect (named after the hugely successful activities of Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg in putting the sustainability agenda into the mainstream once more) had given company boards cause to evaluate their strategies in this area.

With the COVID-19 pandemic essentially putting the industry's normal operations on hold for over a year, some might hope that companies have perhaps used this time to think seriously about their role in climate change and other areas of concern around sustainability.

It is dilemma that PhocusWire covered extensively through its Destination: X series of video diaries and analyses from destination expert Doug Lansky.


Time to act

Aviation is one of the obvious areas under scrutiny, with jet fuel and operations deemed to be a contributor to carbon dioxide levels.

Airlines and aircraft manufacturers are saying the right thing (development of bio-fuels and other energy-saving methods of operating, being more efficient, etc.) but there is a growing sense that time is not on anyone's side, so research and integration needs to speed up.

Elsewhere, the rapid deployment of technology during the initial recovery phases of the pandemic is a step in the right direction (fewer bits of paper needed and the general introduction of more efficient ways of processing travelers) - an area that many believe should be accelerated.

In the world of online intermediaries there is perhaps a more difficult next step required, not least as many do not own any energy-sapping assets.

The creation of the Travalyst consortium in 2019 was a signal that at least some of them were taking their role seriously, yet this is another area that needs some degree of urgency added to the rhetoric.

This could be tied to far more in-depth scrutiny over the carbon footprint and sustainability agenda of the products (hotels, private accommodation, ground transportation and activities) that they send customers to use and enjoy.

And, finally, let's not forget the enormous responsibility that destinations and governments can take as they reopen their cities, national parks, attractions, conference centers and beaches to travelers once more.

Smart destination management, driven by technology and data analysis, should not be the preserve of only those that can afford it. If collaboration between destinations and regions is required to implement such management processes, then a way to do so should be found.

In addition, products that help fuel such problems in destinations - such as cruise lines - should also look at themselves and consider how they can do better.

The opportunity is there for a wholesale re-evaluation of what works, what doesn't and what is the best interests of the industry, travelers and the planet.

It is now down to every stakeholder to participate.

Thematic activities
