Remarkable timelapse video shows Tibetan sky at night above the Himalaya Mountains

time:2018-08-02 17:59 author:International Union of mountain tourism

This remarkable timelapse video captures the Tibetan sky at night along with the stunning buildings and statues of the Himalayan Mountains.

Grey Chow, 33, travelled to the Spiti Valley to photograph the incredible starry background drop above the deserted and isolated roads.

The senior project engineer was able to take amazingly clear images thanks to the little pollution found at an altitude of 4,500ft.

These remarkable images capture the Tibetan sky at night along with the stunning buildings and statues of the Himalayan Mountains

The mountains that surround the town of Kalpa shown in an amazing nights sky view in the Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh, northern India, are captured in this image

In this beautiful snap the Milky Way over can be seen above the golden Langza Buddha which overlooks the village

He said: 'There's a lot of breathtaking scenery along the road and seeing it change from green hillsides with the crowded population to barren landscapes surrounded by snow cap mountains, was amazing.

'Thanks to its exotic location, the zero light pollution environment provided me one of the best quality night skys for Astrophotography.

'It makes me feel that how tiny we are in nature, standing there in the dark and isolated by all the noises and distractions.

In this image the Tabo Monastery is set on the background of stars. It was founded by the Buddhist king Yeshe O'd in 996 A.D

Strategically built at the highest location in Spiti Valley, Dhankar Monastery (pictured) was once the capital of Spiti in 17th century

Photographer Grey Chow can be seen standing on a road with Key Monastery lit up in the distance on the hill the in the Spiti Valley

'My sense became more focused and I could concentrate on every detail of the surroundings and see the stars much clearer.

Grey was fascinated by the Key Monastery and the village of Langza, around 4,400 metres altitude from the bottom of the mountains, with an iconic Buddha statue standing on top of the hill overlooking the valley.

He said: 'Unlike other places in Spiti Valley, Langza consists of rich pasture and green fields and in the morning, you can see the shepherd bringing their sheep out for eating grass.

'Me and my friend spent two nights at the Key Monastery. We slept there and ate what the monks ate for their daily meals and to be honest, it is not really that comfortable but in exchange, we experienced their lifestyle.'

Key Monastery illuminated on a mountain in the Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh, northern India photographed with the full Milky Way on show

Thematic activities
