A 14th human foot — this one in a hiking boot — washes ashore in Canada

time:2018-08-25 01:20 author:International Union of mountain tourism

Gabriola Island (iStock)

Like nearly all of the 13 human feet that had mysteriously washed up on Canadian shores before it, the 14th foot appeared, unexpectedly, on the banks of the Salish Sea in British Columbia. This time, a man walking the beach on Gabriola Island discovered the appendage last Sunday afternoon, trapped in a mass of logs, according to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

The law enforcement agency described the foot as “disarticulated” — that is to say, disconnected from the human body to which it had belonged. It did not specify if it was a left foot or a right foot. Curiously, Foot No. 14 was clad in a hiking boot; all but one of the others had been wearing athletic sneakers.

So continues the mystery of the human feet floating ashore in the Pacific Northwest, a phenomenon that has captivated residents, scientists and area law enforcement since 2007. In August of that year, not one but two disembodied human feet, both right ones, were found on islands in the Salish Sea, a network of coastal waterways between Vancouver Island and the rest of Canada’s westernmost province.

Authorities were alarmed.

“Two being found in such a short period of time is quite suspicious,” Cpl. Garry Cox of the Oceanside Royal Canadian Mounted Police told the Vancouver Sun in August 2007. “Finding one foot is like a million to one odds, but to find two is crazy.”

Over the next year, four more feet would appear in the region's inlets and beaches. Investigators logged each shoe’s model and size (“Men’s blue-and-white Nike running shoe, size 11,” “Woman’s blue and white New Balance running shoe, size 7”) and released photos of them to the public, in hopes they would strike a chord of recognition for friends or family members of the deceased.

At the time, officials emphasized none of the human remains had shown signs of trauma — but given the macabre nature of the findings, speculation ran rampant anyhow. Was it a murderer’s cruel calling card? A drug cartel at work? Why were all of the feet found wearing sneakers?

“Theories abound in B.C. severed feet mystery,” CTV News said in 2008.

“We also have to consider that this could be a serial killer, somebody who right now is underneath the radar,” lawyer and crime author Michael Slade said then, according to the network. “That has to be on the table.”

With time and DNA testing, however, officials were able to positively match the wayward feet with people who had been reported missing. In the process, less sensational but no less tragic stories emerged.

One of the first feet discovered was eventually linked to a missing Vancouver man who had suffered from depression and emotional distress, the Seattle Times reported in 2008.

(Courtesy British Columbia Coroners Service)

“It’s not happy news, but it could bring a sense of closure to some extent,” RCMP spokesman Pierre Lemaitre said then, according to the newspaper. “A family member saw [a picture of] one of the shoes and thought, ‘Wait a second.’ ”

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