Tongcheng released the "2024 Summer Tourism Trend Report on the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater...

time:2024-07-19 15:18 author:IMTA

Tongcheng released the "2024 Summer Tourism Trend Report on the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area"

On July 15th, Tongcheng Travel released the "2024 Summer Tourism Trend Report of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area", analyzing the travel trends of residents in the Greater Bay Area during the summer vacation this year.

According to data from Tongcheng Travel platform and its one-stop inbound tourism service platform HopeGoo, there is a strong demand for Hong Kong people to travel to the mainland during the summer vacation. Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Haikou, Shanghai, and Shanwei are the preferred destinations for Hong Kong people to travel to the mainland. Among them, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and other core cities in the Greater Bay Area have hosted more than half of Hong Kong tourists.

Popular projects for Hong Kong people to spend their summer vacations in the mainland mainly include parent-child parks, rafting, hot springs, SPAs, etc. The consumption hotspots include both luxurious vacations and cost-effective cultural tourism consumption. The cultural tourism consumption market in the Greater Bay Area is booming during the summer vacation. The Guangzhou Zoo has the highest customer flow, and the booking popularity of Hong Kong Disneyland has increased the most.

(Tongcheng Travel is the member of IMTA)

Editor Ⅰ: Zhang Wenwen

Editor Ⅱ: Wu Dan

Editor Ⅲ: Liu Guosong

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