The one who won the "Sejong Cultural Award" is committed to promoting youth public welfare exchan...

time:2024-07-16 11:02 author:IMTA

The one who won the "Sejong Cultural Award" is committed to promoting youth public welfare exchange activities between China and South Korea

Recently, the second China-Japan-Korea New Farmer Exchange Program was launched in Jeonju City, Jeonbuk Special Self-Governing Province, South Korea. This year's program is themed "Agriculture meets modern needs: future innovation cooperation", aiming to promote exchanges and cooperation among young agricultural practitioners in China, Japan and South Korea. Youth are the future creators of China-South Korea relations, and the youth exchange activities organized by the Korea-China Association for Cultural Exchange have always been attracting attention. For 22 years, the association has regularly held China-South Korea culture competition, cultural festival, and a series of public cultural activities.

Source: Shandong TV

The Korea-China Association for Cultural Exchange is located in the famous traditional cultural street of Insa-dong in Seoul, South Korea. On this street of valuable land and houses of traditional Korean houses, the association has been committed to serving as a platform for the folk exchange between China and South Korea since its inception. The association's mission is to "make the people near happy and bring people from afar". How does Qu Huan balance the roles of "mother of Korean daughters" and "daughter of Chinese mothers", so that Chinese people can understand Korean culture and Korean friends can understand Chinese culture?

At the beginning of the establishment of the association, Qu Huan decided to provide free overseas cultural experience for poor young people in western China and South Korea. As the only civilian president, Qu Huan was a very special presence at that time. In 2005, due to the fact that the South Korean office had only received free invitations from developed countries to go abroad, the authenticity of the "Heart to Heart" project was repeatedly reviewed by the South Korean administrative department. From good things to hardships, from refusing to go abroad to later reluctance, there are many stories about the "Heart to Heart" Korean-Chinese youth public welfare exchange activities

Source: Shandong TV

Through cultural exchanges, we can understand each other's hearts. This is the most expected fragrant flower that Qu Huan has cultivated for 20 years in deepening the friendship between China and South Korea. The "two-way" communication between Chinese and South Korean people has deepened mutual understanding and trust. In 2014, Qu Huan won the Sejong Cultural Award, the highest presidential award in South Korea, for her outstanding contributions to cultural exchanges between China and South Korea. She is also the first Chinese to receive this award.

When it comes to the future, Qu Huan's goal is to create a three-dimensional map of the 5,000-year history of friendly exchanges between China and South Korea. Many volunteers have already begun collecting historical stories about the friendship between China and South Korea. She plans to complete this work in 30 years.

(Korea-China Association for Cultural Exchange is the member of IMTA)

Editor Ⅰ: Zhang Wenwen

Editor Ⅱ: Wu Dan

Editor Ⅲ: Liu Guosong

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