Mount Emei in winter is more beautiful than ever

time:2024-02-01 17:59 author:Mount Emei Scenic Area-IMTA

The profound and beautiful winter should be cold and high-spirited, but Mount Emei has redefined it. The cold is only an appearance, and there is a wonderful view hidden in the mountains. Let's go to see Mount Emei in winter and see how wonderful the scenery is!

It is a good time to enjoy the snow. In the long time, you can hold a warm sunshine in winter, and in the mountains, you can see the real power of a mountain in winter.

Source: Mount Emei Scenic Area

(Mount Emei Scenic Area is the member of IMTA)

Editor Ⅰ: Zhang Wenwen

Editor Ⅱ: Wu Dan

Editor Ⅲ: Liu Guosong

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