• 议题一
  • 环节一
  • 环节二
  • 环节三
  • Honorary Secretary-General of the UNWTO
  • Executive Vice President of Russian Travel Association “World Without Borders”,Chief Manager of“China Friendly”Program
  • Chairman of the European Association of Elected Authorities from Mountain Regions
  • Director of Zhangjiajie Development and Reform Commission
  • Dean of the School of International Tourism & Culture of Guizhou Normal University


  • 二十四节气如下: 立春、雨水、惊蛰、春分、清明、谷雨、立夏…
  • 精选国内外优质山地民宿,推荐给每一位山地旅游爱好者。
  • 山地君奉上最新最全的山地小科普。
  • 七月,一个旅行的狂欢季节。贵州,一个神奇的避暑胜地。当仲夏七月遇到多彩贵州,一场 ...
  • 5月29日,以“山地旅游倡导健康生活与文明交流”为主题的2022国际山地旅游日主 ...